Saturday, April 24, 2010

April 25, 2010 Special World Day of Prayer for Vocations

May the Risen Lord give you His peace!

Sunday, April 25, 2010, will be the 47th annual World Day of Prayer for Vocations. Our Holy Father has pre-released a beautiful message for this day. He and the priesthood are both under a considerable amount of attack lately. This is a good time to pray for the Pope and for vocations. This year the Pope highlights the importance of witness and example, in other words, we need to talk-the-talk and walk-the-walk. Our lives cannot contradict our words - Saint Francis would have said a huge amen to that!

The Holy Father stresses the importance of prayer and friendship with Jesus Christ.Here are some good quotes, "Another aspect of the consecration belonging to the priesthood and the religious life is the complete gift of oneself to God ... In following Jesus, everyone called to a life of special consecration must do his utmost to testify that he has given himself completely to God. This is the source of his ability to give himself in turn to those whom Providence entrusts to him in his pastoral ministry with complete, constant and faithful devotion ... "

New Vocations Website from the USCCB:
Full text of Pope Benedict's Message

May the Lord bless you,
The Friars 
Saint Joseph Friary
523 W. 142nd St.
New York, NY 10031

For Vocation Inquiries

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