Stepping Out Of My Comfort Zone
Fr. Emmanuel Mansford, CFR
As Christians, Jesus tells us to “read the signs of the
times.” What then are we to make of these times? The recent election in the US has caused many
to sit up and ask real questions about what’s going on in society. Whatever one’s perspective might be, this
election has highlighted the division and distrust that is present in American
politics. This vote has been seen by
commentators as a form of protest against an establishment that has become somehow
“out of touch” with the lives of ordinary people.
The Christian Faith is all about a God who is “in touch”
with His people, about Power that is humble. “Though he was in the form of God, Jesus
did not cling to equality with God as something to be grasped at. Rather he emptied himself, and took the form
of a slave, being found in the likeness of men” (Phil 2:6-8). In Christ, God, the all-powerful One, became
man. He stepped from eternity into our
reality to save us “from the inside.” He
clothed Himself with the messiness of our humanity. He worked with calloused hands and walked
with blistered feet. He knows how I feel
and He cares. This is the beauty of the
Incarnation. God is not distant. He is close to us.
As much as I may not like it, discernment of my vocation
takes place amidst the darkness and sin of the real world that Christ entered
into. I come to know myself -my desires,
my gifts and my weaknesses- through my encounters with others, by entering into
real relationships. As an “Englishman in
New York” I love living in Harlem NYC, but it also takes me out of my comfort
zone. The other day one of the postulant
brothers and I went to a block of government housing- going door to door- to
invite our neighbors for lunch at our friary.
To see the reality of the poverty in which some people live was very difficult. But at the same time it was beautiful to
connect with them there- to be with them in their reality. And some came for lunch simply because they
were invited, instead of sitting in their room alone!
So often I want to remain comfortable but God wants to
stretch me because He sees who I can become.
A big part of discernment is about allowing the Lord to call me from
where I am and who I think I am to where He wants me to be and who He
is calling me to be. St Francis’ life is
a powerful illustration of one who constantly allowed himself to be led by the
Holy Spirit - from the lepers to the Pope to the Sultan- and this resulted in
the renewal of the Church and society in his time. What does God have for me in our time?
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